Children Matter

It takes a village to care for a child, when that child has a serious health condition it is even more important.

We need your help so our team can walk alongside families as they face the toughest of times, knowing that they are not alone on their journey.

With your support we can ensure that our free service is available to families throughout the Waikato.

No matter how big or small your gift, it will help to make a difference to these families as we help their “courage shine through”.

Your donation will help provide:

Support for parents:

  • To keep “standing” when devastated by the news of a serious health condition
  • Adjust to a new “normal” way of life, which could include multiple stays in hospital, providing medical care at home for their child, advocating on behalf of their child
  • A serious health condition places huge pressures on the family unit – emotional, psychological, financial, and time pressures.
  • Bereavement support for parents that have lost a child

Support for siblings:

  • Siblings will often feel anxious and stressed about what is happening to their brother or sister
  • They can feel isolated and side-lined as the parents time and energy is focussed on the sick child
  • We provide them a space to feel heard and have their needs met

Support for the child with a health condition:

  • Children feel anxious and scared about what is happening to them.
  • We help to build their self-esteem and resiliency
  • We provide a space for their voice to be heard

True Colours is a registered charity which means donations over $5 are eligible for a tax rebate.